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Moral dilemma
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t rock
Posted 12/20/2024 20:16 (#11019200)
Subject: Moral dilemma

Tablerock Ranch eastern Wa
Not judging anyone, as a matter of fact I like being associated with a group of farmers that struggle with the idea of getting help from a federal government that has a major spending problem, Spending that jeopardizes our kids and grandkids future. Same government that uses us at times as bargaining chips, that at times kill our markets,
I do however notice a deafening silence on what good one might do with a portion of that money. I know many on here help in their community and give to charities... after all isn't it a great season to think about helping others?
How about if we can take 10 to 20% to give to someone in greater need? Here are some great charities, Samaritans Purse, Tunnel to towers, Preborn " alternatives to abortion" Vision for Isreal just to name a few. Or how about your local food bank / shelter or maybe a family in need.

Not many of us watched our balance sheet get healthier this past farming season, but overall, I would say most on here would consider themselves blessed.

Merry Christmas my friends, hope you have a blessed one with family.
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