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Why I raise wheat
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Posted 12/30/2024 08:08 (#11032883 - in reply to #11031452)
Subject: RE: Why I raise wheat

AGB - 12/29/2024 11:11

larryshoat - 12/29/2024 10:52

I grow wheat because I like to. I don't play golf or anything like that but I enjoy trying to raise high yielding wheat. We have a good market for straw if I can raise 100bu wheat sell 70 bales of straw and get 30bu double crop beans it seems to work. 


If I'm understanding one guys post correctly, I wouldn’t grow wheat either if that all he yields. My volunteer wheat would do that.

What he leaves out is wheat seed is a 1.5 bushel of saved seed. Only top dress if it rains, the big deal in original posters area is grazing wheat, grazing wheat is more profitable than harvesting wheat, if it’s rained quite a bit during growing season you pull calves off and take wheat to harvest if not leave calves on to almost April.
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