NW KS | scottyb69 - 12/29/2024 12:40
I was doing some tiller counts today. I planted it plenty thick but it laid in the dust for about a month so I think I'm a little light on tillers. I'll do a better count when I have more time. Has anyone ran around 10-12 gallons of 28-0-0-5 in place of water with flat fans when they spray for weeds real early? Will i hurt it? I was going to run quelex, baythroid, 1/2 rate stratego.
depends when. If you can do it before it starts growing in the spring while still fairly cold, it wont burn as bad. lots do it that way around here. If you use a really high quality humic (not some 8-9 lb per gallon junk) you can lessen the burn as well. |