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Profit gmo vs. non-gmo soys
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Posted 12/29/2024 11:57 (#11031544 - in reply to #11031257)
Subject: RE: Profit gmo vs. non-gmo soys

Central Iowa
Raised em for 4 years and quit for awhile when premium went away. Trying a couple hundred acres again this year on some of our cleanest fields. Never saw a yield drag. Hitting buyers delivery time frame will be the challenge but going to try again. I'm a heavy corn on corn guy and hate beans...hate em more when we can't make any money on em.

$2.40 over the CBOT = $3.00 over local traited bid. Will.have .50 freight into it so 2.50 @65bpa = $165/acre less $10 more in heavy chem plan.

Leaves some extra for cultivator, walkers, or zapper if needed.

Edited by IState 12/29/2024 17:07
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