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Profit gmo vs. non-gmo soys
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Posted 12/29/2024 09:53 (#11031318 - in reply to #11031257)
Subject: RE: Profit gmo vs. non-gmo soys

I used to grow them and greatly respect those that make it work long term. Gave up after about 4 years on them. On paper they look great and for the first year or two I made good money on them. Eventually, attempted rescue with herbicide, row cultivator, walkers and/or weed zapper ate up all the advantage and still had to look at weeds

If you can keep them clean they’ll yield with or above the enlist but the weedy spots kill you. I think people get attracted to the premium and ignore the 5-15 bushel disadvantage you can have when weeds are bad.

My opinion if you never done it would be to try on your cleanest farms and have a backup plan because “here” liberty is the only chem that will kill emerged waterhemp. The PPOs are useless.
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