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Best full till pre for beans?
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Posted 12/29/2024 09:24 (#11031284 - in reply to #11031220)
Subject: RE: Best full till pre for beans?

Northwest Ohio
coup - 12/29/2024 07:39

DT87 - 12/27/2024 20:04

We haven’t grown full tilled beans for years, but our older neighbor is going to this year. He’s had issues with pigweeds pretty bad. He asked me what my rec would be…my thoughs would be Hefty’s 3 pre (valor, a yellow and metribuzin) since he’s planning on working it again (and maybe again) before planting. Is that a good rec that will work and not break the bank? He’s planning on Enlist beans


Incorporate 1.5 pints Gen Treflan.
Chase the planter with
5 oz Gen Spartan
4 oz Gen Sencor DF
8 oz Gen Flexstar

Wouldn't the two group 14 make for a 2 week planting restriction?
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