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Growing a veg plant in a narrow but long tube packed it soil
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Posted 12/28/2024 14:54 (#11030211 - in reply to #11029649)
Subject: RE: Growing a veg plant in a narrow but long tube packed it soil

coast of Maine
A 5 gallon bucket with the bottom removed and inserted a tad in the soil will work.If not using natural earth beneath leave the bottom in and drill a hole up 2 inches on the sides to allow over watering to leave and to leach out excess salts with plain water if it builds up(it will).The 5 ft tall tube sounds bizarre to me.A grow tube laid down will work but usually a poly tube that has drains as above on sides.What are the thoughts on having plants with a narrow footprint?What will wind do when at 5 ft? In a big east coast blow we can tomatoes that are staked firm heal over.
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