northeast ohio | I sketched this out in 2015 after listening to a hops presentation. Thought was to use this in poor soil areas and to limit the need to prune roots. Using plastic tile roll cores purchased from farms or state highway dept after installation. This project was also an inspiration. https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5a797f68e45a7cfffce8a79e/t/5a...
A group of us were exploring how a room equipped with current technology which at that time was IBM WATSON and platforms such as Join.me with whiteboard could support innovation. WATSON would “listen” to the room and screen available research and concepts that had been shared publicly as an evidence based approach. Join.me was used for remote meeting and to further organize sketches. The concept was that the “system” would then document unique ideas shared in the room as part of a disclosure and intellectual property process. Flipping that world to the benefit of anyone in the room. At that time, most everyone that the “listening room” concept was shared thought it was creepy. Ten years later the recommendation from major tech commercialization offices is to use AI as a means of monitoring and documentation of a meeting with IP disclosure.
Edited by neo_ag 12/27/2024 17:13
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