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Growing a veg plant in a narrow but long tube packed it soil
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Posted 12/27/2024 15:32 (#11028691 - in reply to #11028568)
Subject: RE: Growing a veg plant in a narrow but long tube packed it soil

If I understand what you are saying... you are wanting to plant in a vertical tube that will be 5 foot in height.  My thinking is that plants have a limit before they will want to leaf out. So, if you plant in a vertical tube, the plant will "stretch some", but will eventually want to leaf out. In a 5' vertical column/ tube, that leafing out will occur inside the tube... and those leaves will not do you any good. 

What you are wanting to do sounds a lot like tree tubes, where the tubes are to help minimize damage from deer.  Is that what you are wanting to do with these tubes... minimize damage from deer?

If you do this, I think I would want to use a clear tube, so the leaves inside the tube can benefit from sunlight until the plant emerges from the top. I think you are on the right track to try it with pole beans or cucumbers.... or maybe sweet potatoes. Not sure any other garden plants would work. 

If you are trying to get protection from deer pressure, I think I would look for different ideas, as I am not sure this is the best way to go.  But try it.... see what happens.

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