| I would never feel comfortable with the program you have listed here. Not saying it won't work, but "here" you would be setting yourself up for a complete failure in both crops.
I would add ATZ pre to help the callisto
Make sure your "Dual" has benoxacor in it, for that price it most likely does not.
Is your roundup 5# or 4#? If 4# you need to run 40oz.
If your not going to run/able to run roundup post on corn I would also recommend switching to something like capreno with a grass component. I have had to bad of luck with impact personally. We ran capreno + warrant on some acres this year and had grass escapes.
Never used preview, but quick glance at the label I would be running 20-23oz "here"
I would add 2-3# of AMS to the pre
Would add a group 15 to your pre as well
Also make sure if your only going to run a pt that your 2,4D is LV6 and not LV4
I see no reason to run roundup and clethodim together, take the RUP out and up your liberty rate to over 40oz
A qt of "dual" on beans can be pretty hot, be ready for some crop response. If you've used it before and are comfortable with it I'm cool with it.
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