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Anyone need a dog?
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Posted 12/24/2024 07:01 (#11023603 - in reply to #11016590)
Subject: RE: Anyone need a dog?

UP / Thumb of Michigan
Shimmy1 - 12/19/2024 09:50

GT500KR53 - 12/19/2024 07:18

Jack Russell,

Sorry, but there is a worthless dog breed right there.

I've had a few dogs in my lifetime. Many mutts, a couple with a little better idea of heritage. Best dog I've ever had was a Jack Russell. Great with my kids, a loyal to a fault dog, and the very best varmint tool I've ever seen. I like a dog with a job to do, and he understood his well.

The next jack Russell we had was a rescue. It appeared like he was abused which accounted for some of his behavior. The bigger issue was that the only way he could have been dumber is if he was bigger.

Our life right now doesn't have room for a dog. If it did, it would be tough to not to consider another Jack. We like them. Different breeds for differently people I guess.

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