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Moral dilemma
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Posted 12/21/2024 16:53 (#11020370 - in reply to #11019433)
Subject: RE: Moral dilemma

Original Greaser Bob - 12/21/2024 01:39

Excalibur - 12/20/2024 23:37
If that’s what you believe, invest some of it for future generations.

A slither worthy of a snake!

"Gee, I worry so much about my grandchildren's future if I take the money that I had darned well better take it so they have money to get by on if I do!"

As if they could buy their way out of a broke 3rd world country that this will turn into.


I mean an investment in "lead", "brass", gold and silver would be a decent hedge if you feel that is what is in store for the future...
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