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Jrb or acs quick coupler
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Posted 12/21/2024 08:11 (#11019637 - in reply to #11018722)
Subject: RE: Jrb or acs quick coupler

Central, IA
The challenge is going to find the loader side. The have to be an exact match for the pin size and dimensions of the machine. Case and Cat couplers seem easier to find than Hyundai. Machinery trader may have some. Attachments are easy as it is a standard.

I have a 740 without a coupler and a 757 that came with an ACS. I bought a set of forks off a Richie Brother's auction and found a blank attachment plate that was cut off a loader bucket on facebook that I'm going to build a hitch on the front for moving planters, grain carts etc.

I would love to find the loader half for the 740 to allow them to interchange buckets, but have yet to come across one in 10 years.

Years ago we had a Deere loader with a JRB coupler. We sold it, but kept some attachments. We made an adapter in the shop to go on the front of an old Cat loader to connect to the JRB attachments. The lower pins were manual, just had to get out of the cab and pull them in and out, but it worked for as often as we used it.

Edited by nhermanson 12/21/2024 08:13
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