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Death loss
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Posted 12/21/2024 05:59 (#11019487 - in reply to #11019319)
Subject: RE: Death loss

Cold is easy to keep cattle alive. Things are frozen. Its the up and down weather with rain and fog that is the challenge. I usually shoot for 2% or less on 4-5 wt comingled weaned and unweaned sale barn calves. Have been pretty successful then get a group that will challenge you.

This last group of calves I bought on Nov 1 came in on the last nice day we had for 30 days. I think they saw the sunshine for 3 days out of the first 30. They have been a challenge. Currently sitting at 3.25% on them. Ran them through the chute and gave everything draxxin kp after we had pulled 26% of the pen just to try to get ahead.
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