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Compact tractors.
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Posted 12/21/2024 05:02 (#11019459 - in reply to #11018904)
Subject: RE: Compact tractors.

North Central US
jwal10 - 12/20/2024 17:10

Wouldn't be happy with either for a backhoe. Buy a unit made as a backhoe like a 110 JD or bigger. Wouldn't buy an ag tractor with a backhoe if I wanted a mower tractor unless you don't want to use oa backhoe much. Not worth much and not worth putting on. Backhoe tears up an ag tractor pretty quick....James

The first couple generations of factory backhoes were exactly what you described. The tractor themselves seemed to hold up fine, the loader and backhoe not as well. I say this as both me and my family own or owned models from those first few generations and the tractors themselves don't have any problems, but the loaders and backhoes are welded up.
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