UP / Thumb of Michigan | 4020_404 - 12/21/2024 00:10
If anyone cares about 6k acres going up for sale at all, they are way too wealthy to even be considered solely a farmer, they are a land investor hoping to cash in on future land value increases. Unless it's 2k an acre for 170+bu/acre corn ground, then it'd make sense. :D It's 12k+/acre here, only land investors/people with money to burn that want to live in the country buy it. No sensible person with the intention of paying off crop ground with the crop would buy ground around here. Unless you buy it in your 20's., get it to 0 in terms of paying it off, and seeing enough profit from it to pay back the losses sustained while making payments on it by the time you're in your 70's, for the sole purpose of making your children money. In 1950, ground sold for $110/acre here. Even conservatively, you're looking at 80X increase in /acre value. And I heard that when they bought that, they thought they might go broke.
I think you mistakenly assume your goals are everyone else's. |