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Elon tossing farmers under bus again.
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Posted 12/20/2024 22:54 (#11019395 - in reply to #11018662)
Subject: RE: Elon tossing farmers under bus again.

Alton, Ia
mikado - 12/20/2024 12:22

I’m sure some of you have seen how Warren Buffet would balance the budget, or at least reign in spending, if he were in charge.

Legislators that fail to achieve a balanced budget in X amount of time……are ineligible to run for reelection.

That’s a start but they would probably tax us to death ( even more than now) because we all know spending $ for them is a worse addiction than a person who’s on meth.

The other thing they would do is game the system. The CBO does budget scoring, they work for Congress (hence the C before the B), so they will score a bill as they are told. IF Congress decrees that in year 1 X will happen and in years 2-10 Y, then that's how the CBO has to score it. Thus you get bills that show almost no impact in year 1, and now we have a balanced budget, when anyone with two coherent cells know it's going to add to the deficit.
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