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Is there a way to prevent people from messing with bin site?
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Posted 12/20/2024 21:32 (#11019311 - in reply to #11019197)
Subject: RE: Is there a way to prevent people from messing with bin site?

WTW - 12/20/2024 20:16
johndeereplanterman - 12/20/2024 19:08 Unfortunately a grinder and cut off wheel makes any lock pretty easy to deal with. About the only thing we've found is a very good security camera system and plenty of light around the bin site at night. Our system sends alerts to our phones when they see movement.
I have seen some lock mounts on shipping containers that would make it difficult (not impossible) to remove the lock with a grinder. Perhaps something similar could be fabricated to lock a side draw system.

Unless that's some sort of special steel that I don't know about that can't be cut with an abrasive cutoff wheel that box is just going to take another 30-45 seconds to cut out of the way.

Now, it might keep someone out that only brought a bolt cutter with them.

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