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john deere 7200 seed boxes one hole or two
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Posted 12/20/2024 19:23 (#11019098 - in reply to #11018664)
Subject: RE: john deere 7200 seed boxes one hole or two

210 Industrial Dr., Arlington Wisconsin 53911
I have plenty of good 2 hole boxes and meters - some updated to the John Deere Pro Max 40
disk that makes them a whole lot more efficient. That said I have plenty of JD poly vac single
hole boxes and meters with the Precision E-Sets. You have fiberglass boxes now that have metal
hooks that fit the row unit on small bushings. With poly you need to upgrade to the wider bushing
- a pair running $15-$20/row. Be glad to give you info and advice. I'm just north of Madison Wi.
Also making trip to western Iowa - Audubon before spring. 608-6nine eight- eight 2 0 two.
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