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Wife Christmas
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Posted 12/20/2024 18:39 (#11019033 - in reply to #11018932)
Subject: RE: Wife Christmas

Western Oregon
We haven't done Christmas for each other for years. My family never did Christmas. Her family did but her Dad died near Christmas a couple years before we met. I met her at the 4th of July parade, we got married November 25th. Her birthday was 15 days after we got married, I got her a little Black Hills ring with a tiny diamond that matched her engagement ring, at the feed store. Christmas was 15 days after that and I got her a little onesie with the footsies, she loved that thing. She looked so cute the next Christmas when she was pregnant. We always made a big deal of our anniversary, going back to the same place every year for 2 nights, the Friday and Saturday after Thanksgiving. As the kids grew up we decided to give them what we would have spent on each other and we always took them along to the beach for that weekend. Christmas was always about Jesus, the kids stockings and Christmas dinner.

This year was our 50th. I got the same room right on the ocean, for a week, at the same place we have stayed all these years. Also 2 rooms for 2 nights on the weekend for our 2 kids. We had a great time.

The other night Sweetie was messing around looking at Shein and showed me a couple Christmas shirts. I said, order both. The next day I ordered a little Christmas onesie and to make $9.99 or more free shipping, I got her a red heart shaped ring with lots of....crystals. I also made reservations at our favorite place at the beach, same room, the weekend after Christmas. I will give her the presents the first night, cuddled up by the fire. I know she will be surprised....James
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