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MX 200 vs 7810 vs 8100
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JD 9660
Posted 12/20/2024 16:43 (#11018870 - in reply to #11018818)
Subject: RE: MX 200 vs 7810 vs 8100

Southern PA
Kooiker - 12/20/2024 15:51

Idk if they all had it or not but 540 pto was available on 8100/8110 tractors.  

Of the ones you mention 8100/8110 are by far the nicest and best for field work. 

IMO, you’d have to go to a MX 215 to be on the same level as the 8000 JD.  

The 3 PTO's were an option. Some have it, and some don't.
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