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case tractors in the cold
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Posted 12/20/2024 13:53 (#11018696 - in reply to #11018481)
Subject: RE: case tractors in the cold

I've currently got five 8.3 Cummins, two 5.9 Cummins and two 3.9 Cummins in various tractors, trucks, and equipment. They all start well in the cold, but like someone said we probably need to define what "cold" means.

In general, I'd say the Cummins of that vintage have less drama than other engines as far as cold starts. That was a big reason why I traded a JD 4840 for one of my Magnums. Below 40 degrees it was always a 50/50 gamble as to whether the 4840 would start. 100% sure bet that if it did start the exhaust would blot out the sun for miles around...

I've got a snow blade on one of my Magnums. I usually try to plug in the block heater if I know it's going to snow but sometimes I forget and I've gotten it to start near 0 degrees just by turning the key.
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