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Elon tossing farmers under bus again.
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JRCS Farms
Posted 12/20/2024 12:19 (#11018578 - in reply to #11018401)
Subject: RE: Elon tossing farmers under bus again.

North Central Indiana
I’m not talking satellite internet. Satellite telecommunications. And as I said, the American people shouldn’t be subsidizing starlink for the rest of the world. I shouldn’t be subsidizing starlink for you in Nebraska. Don’t make an ass out of yourself buddy, explain what you mean.
What’s the public benefit to the space program?

Edit to add that we also have satellite internet here that isn’t starlink, can’t get fiber where we live yet. It’s not the fastest internet you’ve ever seen but it works and is far cheaper than starlink

Edited by JRCS Farms 12/20/2024 12:27
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