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Christmas tree count.
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Posted 12/20/2024 11:37 (#11018513 - in reply to #11018186)
Subject: RE: Christmas tree count.

Cleveland, MS. Own small farm near Booneville, MS

Wife is not putting up a tree this year because son can't come for Christmas due to work schedule so it's not worth the trouble. She has also forbidden me to put up any lights outside. Boy, was I disappointed when she told me that.*************

We will be going to my mom's for the big family Christmas and she has a big tree plus outside lights, etc.

Just a quick plug. If anyone is going skiing in the Ellicottville, NY area go to Mud, Sweat, and Gears ski shop (it used to be a bike shop) and ask for Aaron. He can fix you up with anything you need for snow skiing.

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