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Farm semi plates, title, DOT
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Posted 12/20/2024 11:03 (#11018443 - in reply to #11017793)
Subject: RE: Farm semi plates, title, DOT

West-Central IL
greenline - 12/19/2024 23:52

You do not need a DOT number because you are a private carrier hauling your own goods and not hiring a commercial driver or crossing state lines and you are just hauling to a local elevator. You also don't need a UCR if you don't have a DOT number. If you cross state lines you would need a DOT number.

No, grain is crossing state lines, your haul is the first leg.

I haul to a river elevator on Mississippi.
Need a DOT number because the grain is shipped in its original form basically.

I'm not sure how inland illinois elevators work with this.

The only guys here that don't need a dot haul everything to a bean processor or ethanol plant, feed milll, etc.

Edited by Ringo539 12/20/2024 11:04
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