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Ready to party with parity?
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Posted 12/20/2024 10:03 (#11018352 - in reply to #11018163)
Subject: RE: Ready to party with parity?

I can only speak for myself but here is my shot as defining the problem.

We have too many people in government that vote for issues based on their feelings. Very, very few are willing to make the hard choice. Very few remember that is my money, your money they are dealing with. We do not need people who govern on their feelings, we need people who govern based on the laws of this country. And I don't care who they align with politically. Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, whatever. The laws on immigration are clear. Enforce them. The allowable scope of the Federal government are clear. Do not exceed it. Student loan debt relief? Are you joking?

More government is only the correct answer to one question and that is, "How can we make this problem worse?"

When non-elected bureaucrats start having more power than elected representatives of the people that is a problem. When anyone in government utters the phrase "my truth" that is a problem.

Are Trump, Kennedy, Musk, Gabbard, etc... the best people to fix this absolute disaster? I doubt it. The best people won't touch this with a 10' pole so right now they are what we have to work with and they are at least taking a swing at it. One can only hope that someone like Thomas Massie is elected Speaker of the House. That would be a huge victory for this country. We in production agriculture might not like everything he does but everything would be in the open and transparent. And that would be a great start.
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