 Pittsburg, Kansas | It is a good hobby and the way I made some extra money back in the IBM PC XT and AT days.
But it is a bygone hobby for me. Now I just want the stupid thing to work. I learn just enough to make it do what I want.
One thing good about your passion. Your knowledge can help others out that need help. It was always a sense of accomplishment when a customer either didn't know what they were doing or had screwed things up to the point nothing was working. By going through it and explaining what I did as I did it, they had a better understanding of their relationship with the computer and operating system. I found that me being helpful in that way was very satisfying. A sense of teaching and accomplishment. Not just the repair of their computer. Maybe you can have that same feeling or maybe you already do. Being of service to others is a positive thing, or at least that is my way of thinking.
I am writing this on a Galaxy Tab (4 I think, it is an old bugger) right now. Do you consider it a computer? I only use it on the internet any more and don't pay for a phone or text connection. At home wife and I each have a dedicated Windows computer, hers a laptop and mine tower desk style. Everything goes down hill from there, phones or such like this TAB. She also has a little cheapie Windows laptop that she only uses for travel like now.
Edit: oh, I forgot about the computer in our farm office that only my accountant uses. She drops by once a week and pays bills, does accounting stuff for a couple hours each week. Forgot about that one as I never get on it, although I do have the password should I ever need to. I have been retired about 5 years now and that computer was bought probably a few years before that, so getting pretty old as technology goes. Probably will not do Windows 11. My personal computer says it will not.
Edited by John Burns 12/20/2024 06:43
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