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How many computers do you own?
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Posted 12/19/2024 23:37 (#11017788 - in reply to #11017715)
Subject: RE: How many computers do you own?



- A PDP-11 (Q-bus) in a box. Haven't fired that up in 20 years.
- A rackmount PC server from 2002, I suppose I oughta tear out the motherboard and disks and refurb it with modern stuff
- 2 ATX form factor PC's
- a PC laptop
- 2 Mac laptops, one of which I should salvage
- 2 Mac desktops
- a Sun Sparc workstation (SS-20 vintage Sparc)
- some 68K Sun-2 motherboards
- some single-board embedded systems of various vintages, chips, etc

I'm sure I've forgotten some other stuff in there.

Now that I'm getting back into ham radio and looking at the new digital modes, I'm thinking I need to get into some of the new SBC's and ARM systems. 

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