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My thoughts on this Farm Bill, Bailout, CR, whatever it may be.
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Posted 12/19/2024 22:26 (#11017730 - in reply to #11017681)
Subject: RE: My thoughts on this Farm Bill, Bailout, CR, whatever it may be.

I am an advocate for Farm bills and the supports we have and have always had due to the suppression of food cost in the country. The producer and what we all grow has always been and will always be the leverage every leader of the free world uses to keep his voting population at rest. About 4-5 days of hunger is what it takes to begin civil unrest and about the 8th-10th day of that fear of hunger for 99% of this nation a true rebellion will begin to take place. Keep them fed and for the most part you can keep everyone civil. Due to that philosophy we are always going to be the short straw without the ability to control our price other than a drought in the Midwest or problems in South America. So we aren’t given the chance to ever have free trade so to speak. Every piece of the pie is manipulated from planting the seed to how much we sell it for. Hunger games movie comes to mind.

Here is my point what should happen in my opinion. I know it isn’t this easy BUT….decouple the farm bill or whatever you now want to call it from the nutrition bill. This would give the nation a clear picture of what support is actually going to the grower. It would be broke away from all the democrat and republican fighting about Snap and EBT and where they are used. This would give the opportunity to truly customize a program that does offer disaster assistance that is needed. A crop insurance program that is needed but needs adjusting to adequately cover in a more effective manner and redesigned to not promote fraud in the current form. Finally please don’t kill me FSA and NRCS employees. Eliminate the offices. Let it all become digital. RMA is already keying all the acres and all the funding or programs could be handled indendantly through private contractors similar to independent insurance agents. It would work. Cut billions and remove a black eye amongst our industry that the SNAP program gives us each farm bill renewal. I am proud of the shut down and proud that is gives us an opportunity to reset and not be handcuffed by a singular party to not allow the changes America voted for this past November.
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