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Soybean slaughter
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Posted 12/19/2024 21:38 (#11017671 - in reply to #11016949)
Subject: RE: Soybean slaughter

S Illinois
I just don't fall for the "I am a farmer and its a higher calling" like you tried to emotionally appeal to people with your other post. You want it both ways. You say you want capitalism and say the government is the problem for the US anti-competitive problems. Then in the very next post you say land is only for cash flow and will never be sold. That is not capitalism. That is at best feudalism. So the goal is not economic return but rather control of said land. That theory in itself is very inefficient and causes bloated production prices of which the government didn't cause.

Farms size would not change if there were no subsidies as you are overestimating what a small farm will be able to weather. Subsidies don't change the margin and efficiency gains large farms enjoy. And you must be assuming a majority of years are loss years as the argument is always large farms would not be able to take on that risk. That applies to small farms just the same. All mature industries gravitate to large producers not smaller.

No its not the governments fault we are all nostagic about farms and ecomconomcs matter little. Its also interesting how we go from government support is in place to lower food prices and in this thread government support raises food prices.
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