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My thoughts on this Farm Bill, Bailout, CR, whatever it may be.
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Posted 12/19/2024 21:33 (#11017665)
Subject: My thoughts on this Farm Bill, Bailout, CR, whatever it may be.

Moreauville LA
Here, south central LA, we are home to many crops, some are fading away like cotton and wheat due to cost of production and lack of profitability and exposure to loss. We can make good grain yields most years, irrigated or not, 185-220 bu corn, 48-70 bu beans. Our crop insurance coverage vs cost stops most people at the 65-70% level and enterprise units here are worthless. I have and do participate in the programs and they have saved my ass in the past.

The bulk of commodity payments have historically gone to cotton and rice, then CRP/WRP payments.

I've been in this business for a long time and travel lot. With farming being a "visible" business, it is easy to tell who is doing well and who isn't.

HERE, production and profitability wise, Sugarcane cannot be beat. Nothing else comes close.

I am honestly tired of the cries for help for aid packages and so on for the farmer. With so few people ties to the farm, it is a hard item to sell.. We all know this.

Here lies my problem: The talking heads always seem to be the richest most well set operators in the business. Most hail from old families, large land holdings, and could easily operate without aid. At some point there needs to be some "detachment" from the programs. A 20,000 acre cotton and rice farm in the Mississippi delta that farms its own land, owns a hotel chain and so on, doesn't need what they receive. Same for mega rice farms in North LA, South LA, AR, MO and so on. These programs allow these operations to uphold their "status" of airplanes, rolling equipment every year, hunting lodges and beachfront condos. Am I jealous? No. The payment limits are a joke and we all know it is worked around, pretty easily and has been for a long time.

Do we need the flamboyant talking heads to help get things done in DC because they have clout and is the cost of getting help aligned with the cost of providing them their share?

Have we reached a point to where the programs/bailouts/aid admittedly help some, but provide insurance to maintaining the status of farms that could operate without?

Do I feel we need some type of safety net? Somewhat, but how fine does the net need to be? We need a net that lets the big fish out. Should there be a lifetime cap as opposed to a yearly cap?

Although many oppose the sugar program, mainly end users and the pundits, it works and achieves what the commodity markets need for success. Is the sugar title sustainable? For me, hopefully so.
They shoot holes in the sugar policy because of added cost to the end user>>consumer. Isn't this exactly what we grain farmers would want? Ability to set a price, and get it and not cry for a bailout every other year?

Just some thoughts,

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