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Another school shooting question
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Posted 12/19/2024 15:43 (#11017185 - in reply to #11016935)
Subject: RE: Another school shooting question

Cliff SEIA - 12/19/2024 12:12

One entrance into the building, a foyer with a window to the office, outside entry door unlocked but door from foyer into the school building can't be opened without the secretary buzzing it open. With a school that small it should be pretty easy to keep anybody out who isn't supposed to be there. Now preventing a student from getting a weapon into the school is much more difficult.
If possible I'd want the school property fenced off with only one entrance that is easily visible from the office. You can't completely prevent an incident from happening but you can definitely make the school a less appealing target.

I’m pretty sure the fire marshal is going to nix the one entrance suggestion
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