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Soybean slaughter
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Posted 12/19/2024 11:47 (#11016894 - in reply to #11016882)
Subject: RE: Soybean slaughter

Cherokee iowa
I never said I wasn’t profitable. Had a farmer that went broke from Illinois come work at our bank years ago. Corn fell like this and he was telling us to give up the rented land. Rents to high. I rarely see anyone get land back they gave up. So we told him your our banker not the CEO of our operation. Long story short still renting all the acres we “should” of gave up. And he’s now working for a insurance company. It’s all up to the landlord what a lot of land costs are. Even rented a 40 from a old lady that had no other income. Gave her much over rent and lost money every year. She was glad till she passed and the farm sold. We didn’t buy. Is everything about “money”
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