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Soybean slaughter
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Posted 12/19/2024 11:28 (#11016860 - in reply to #11016846)
Subject: RE: Soybean slaughter

S Illinois
We as a collective agricultural industry value running acres more than profitability on each acre. So we justify subsidizing that next marginal acre ran as long as the operation is profitable. Get everyone doing that and all the profits are bid out in the good times and the bad times cause losses.

Equipment isn’t any different. We justify equipment/buildings/lifestyles beyond what our foreign competitors require. We justify it by claiming to need to cover acres in a timely manner or “we don’t want to pay taxes” or “we deserve it” even. Those all get put back into the cost of production.

Also don’t discount that there are operations that are more efficient than you and are still farming for a profit. Just because you can’t a certain price level doesn’t mean everyone can’t. It’s not some government edict causing the US farmers issues.
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