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I’m the problem
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Posted 12/19/2024 08:35 (#11016560 - in reply to #11016020)
Subject: RE: I’m the problem

Sw mn
ricefarmer14 - 12/18/2024 21:01

Guys…just my opinion but quit bitching about sending money to farmers that basically becomes rural America stimulus money while we are spending billions in Ukraine and other ridiculous places….

We are talking g about 10 billion for US ag and I think we just sent 250 billion to Ukraine again. Our country spends so much money in so many places that do not benefit any American citizen and no one can keep track of it. the US left enough equipment in afphanistan to pay for this FARM act 100 times over…

I get the trough statements but until we quit spending money overseas and domestically on ridiculous projects middle America needs its share.

We are mostly sending them expensive weapons systems, than paying US contractors to build new weapons systems back for our use.

Industry war machine wins every time.
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