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John Burns diet?
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John Burns
Posted 12/19/2024 05:41 (#11016306 - in reply to #11014843)
Subject: fasting insulin assay - normal

Pittsburg, Kansas
It is my personal opinion that if the general public would eat around 100 to 150 grams of carbs a day, instead of the 300 they would get following food guidelines, I think our population would be a lot more healthy.

100 grams a day total carbs is a LOT easier than the 20 grams like my wife and I get most days. It would give a lot more flexibility of having some treats and different foods at celebrations and such. Would just cause them to limit portions of the higher carb foods but continue to eat all they want of the lower carb foods.

But me being diabetic and my wife pre diabetic, we require lower carbs to keep our insulin levels low. And it works. We get our fasting insulin levels checked each year at our annual blood test and both of us were around 6 which the doctors I follow anything in single digits is ok. Anything double digits meand they are probably insulin resistant at least to some degree and probably have other symptoms of metabolic syndrome. Ideal, depending on who you talk to, is around 3 or 4, but it can vary a lot just in the testing and how many hours were fasted before the test. A person needs 12 hours of fast at least. Insulin levels vary throughout the day and is excreted by the pancreas as needed.

Edit: Just happened to remember, on the blood tests results I think they say anything up to 25 or something like that on insulin is in the "normal" range. It may be normal because the ranges are based on one or two standard deviations from average for the population that they test. So if you have a "sick" population that does most of the testing, their "normal" range is far from optimum. It is normal for a sick person.

Edited by John Burns 12/21/2024 06:17
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