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Bosch dishwasher has eemingly died
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Posted 12/18/2024 21:22 (#11016062 - in reply to #11015190)
Subject: RE: Bosch dishwasher has eemingly died


davpal - 12/17/2024 23:17 A dishwasher should at least last as long as a dog. I think I'd try to replace the board. Could just be a fuse in there. Call the repair guy.

I have a old dog, my Kenmore dishwasher is 29 years old and wife loves it, still going strong every other day . Noisy but does a good job, will be buying a Bosch when this one dies some day, which reminds me , needs a new top rack again , pick up a good used one for $25 from the appliance store.

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