Saronville NE | I laugh at guys who think they are being honest with themselves at $20 and acre repairs.
As my banker says the 2 places farmers totally lie to themselves about is machinery cost and family living. Unless yr a 10k acre farmer, your machinery, fuel, repairs, depreciation etc is going to be $100-150 an acre.
Farm credit officer is figuring $35k per adult in household and $20k per kid in household for living. So I'm divorced but 2 kids living with me so $75k. I know im not spending that pr anywhere close but that's what they are using for costs when doing cash flow.
We rin closer to $70-100k a yr in repairs alone on 1000 acres and feedlot operation.
Heck feed wagon is in shop now for new flighting and liner $20k estimate. So take 20k outa 75k damn near 1/3 spent for the yr. | |