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Looking for a good used car/SUV and surprised
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Posted 12/18/2024 16:57 (#11015596 - in reply to #11015195)
Subject: RE: Looking for a good used car/SUV and surprised

Mid Michigan
You pretty much have 3 choices when buying a car. Buy a new one every two years and not fix anything. Buy a used one and pay a mechanic garage $100 plus an hour to possibly fix it or buy a used one and fix it yourself. If you chose option 3 you had better be ready for anything with the cars they're building nowdays. Like you said, look up any late model car and look at the ridiculous designs and problems they have. I've worked with hundreds of people over the years and most of their lives have been spent dealing with frustrating cars they need to get them to work. Some of them can be almost non stop problems. I've actually considered opening a shop that changes rusty brake lines and heater cores, blend doors etc just because there are so many bad ones out there that need to be fixed and not too many people want to do it.
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