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Looking for a good used car/SUV and surprised
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Posted 12/18/2024 14:01 (#11015425 - in reply to #11015195)
Subject: RE: Looking for a good used car/SUV and surprised

NW Washington
Sorry, but I think the vehicles in this era are much more reliable and maintenance-free than those built 30 or 40 years ago. I drove a Nissan Altima for 10 years, and it only went to the shop for routine maintenance, such as oil changes and tire rotation. Our daughter is driving it now, and I hear no complaints. And Nissan is not even NAT-approved.
The Hyundai SUV we now have has also been trouble-free.
The brands that get kicked by Consumer reports and others are the high-priced Mercedes, BMW, and Audis. Our son had two different Mercs and now has a Subaru and an Acura. I think both Mercs had to be hauled to the shop several times.
I am sure Toyota has the best record for selling trouble-free vehicles, and Honda must be close behind them.
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