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Looking for a good used car/SUV and surprised
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Posted 12/18/2024 11:18 (#11015195)
Subject: Looking for a good used car/SUV and surprised

East central Iowa

As I started searching I did a lot of research.  My surprise is that people buy some of the cars.  There are so many problems with so many companies.  Engines, electronics, transmissions are not holding up.   I assume that some people trade a lot so they might not be encountering as many problems.  But, it appears from reading and watching Youtube that the cost of ownership of many new cars is about the same as the original price.

I'm now only looking at one brand and based on the prices of their used cars it's probably because they last.  I'm thinking this might be our last car so I'd like to have one that I can rely on, gas mileage isn't the most important factor.  Safety,  because we aren't going to be sitting along side the road is more important to us than a 5 start safety rating from and accident where a semi drives over you.


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