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When do the welfare checks hit the mailboxes?
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   Forums List -> Market TalkMessage format
Posted 12/18/2024 10:59 (#11015150 - in reply to #11015133)
Subject: RE: Patiently waiting. I hear the checks will have a new logo?

How many farmers you know actually know about generating their own AI images? How many are good enough with words and descriptions to come up with such a detailed cartoon pic? And how many farmers do you know actively try and throw the whole lot of all other farmers under the bus?

So I farm and I know about them. I’ve tried them and to get non generic ai slop images it takes a little finesse.

Maybe that’s not ai and he just found it online, still doesn’t account for trying to flay your own kind

(IMG_5276 (full).jpeg)

Attachments IMG_5276 (full).jpeg (90KB - 20 downloads)
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