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Current battery research at the University of Saskatchewan
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junk fun
Posted 12/18/2024 09:25 (#11014996 - in reply to #11014960)
Subject: RE: Current battery research at the University of Saskatchewan

One of my g gpa's would have stuck with buggies, and another would have stuck with steam locomotives, but we're not going back to either. Even though steam will be producing electricity for the foreseeable future, it won't be the same as it has been, labor costs and maintenance on old coal generators was part of the reason they're gone. Solar is cheap and predictable, it will be part of the mix at current realities, and could go up dramatically.

Seems like load management, smart grid, smart appliances, whatever you want to call it is the lowest hanging fruit for making the best use of generating capacity, even if that was still spinning coal fired steam which won't be the majority going forward. It's just a question of how the regs will be written, fair to all, or written by the lobbyists.
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