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   Forums List -> Kitchen TableMessage format
Jeff in ND
Posted 12/17/2024 17:47 (#11014096 - in reply to #11011739)
Subject: RE: Lutefisk

RR Valley, ND; MN native
No Norwegian in me so never had or will try...

That said, I am mostly German (from different areas) except for some Dutch.

Both grandparents always had some braunschweiger around for sandwiches and so did the folks. Every once in a while I will buy some. Sometimes we had over-fried liver for dinner. Dad talked about things like blood sausage and head cheese grandma would make when he was growing up but I never had any. Pickled pigs feet another one dad would get a jar of on occasion but I never tried it. Maternal grandpa liked liver sausages of some sort. I think my mom must have not liked any of that sort of thing so we never got it when I was growing up, except for the braunschweiger.

Seems like a lot of cultures have some "gross" stuff for foods. Just check out what a lot of authentic asian dishes are.
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