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Conduit size ?
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Posted 12/17/2024 10:57 (#11013637 - in reply to #11013096)
Subject: RE: Conduit size ?

Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Buy the fiber and try it out. This is what I use:

The LC connectors are side-by-side, so you need a conduit big enough for them to go through side-by-side. I used 1" and it was easy. 3/4" PEX might work. 1/2" PEX would be too small.

I connected my pull tape to the fiber cable about 2 feet back from the end, then put a 3/4" heat shrink tube over the pulling tape and LC connectors. I didn't want to pull directly on the connectors, but they need to be with the pull tape so they wouldn't get caught on anything.
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