 Pittsburg, Kansas | This goes completely against the "eat less move more" mantra for weight loss that has been around most of my lifetime. Kelly Hogan is not one of my regular listens. But my wife just loves her presentations. She is so full of energy and life in general she is just an upbeat person and my wife likes that. So when I run across one of Kelly's presentations that I think my wife will like, sometimes I will watch it with her. She watches quite a few of Kelly's on her own in the daytime while in the house.
We are listening to this one at breakfast, one of my ear buds in her ear and one in mine.
If a person ever has done yo-yo dieting, losing weight then gaining it right back again and again, they will be able to relate to this womans story.
When she finally got the recipe correct in what and how much to eat, she finally met her goals in both health and life.
I think it is worth listening to. Not that everyone needs to do exactly or even closely to what this lady did. But just for the process of thinking outside the box a person tends to put themselves into. Maybe there is some long held belief that has been wrong all along and getting over that dogma will be the key to success. That is what this presentation is inspirational for. Not for specifically what she did, but for thinking outside the box that box has not worked for so many years.
Fairly long for me. I am more of "just give me the facts" type person. Whereas my wife will knit or do something else while listening to a two hour long interview that I would get bored with. I can only do one thing at once and give it any quality or effort of thought. She is a multi-tasker. I am a "one thing at a time" guy. But I digress.
53 minutes long. But if you have suffered from yo-yo dieting, might just be worth your time.
Edited by John Burns 12/17/2024 11:44
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