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Finally broke my sugar addiction
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Buster 50
Posted 12/16/2024 23:25 (#11013150 - in reply to #11012967)
Subject: RE: Finally broke my sugar addiction

North West IA/western AZ
neverstoplearning - 12/16/2024 20:07

I'm 36. Bouncing around that 255# mark. Was around 165# in college and enjoyed running. But life happened. Driving truck for 18 years but always farming has given me an unhealthy balance of sitting and snacking all day and jumping up and running all night. I'm still healthy with no diagnosed ailments but always tired and my guts sometimes hurt.

What diet are you referring to? I am more curious than anything. My wife and I are researching a few things we want to maybe try. Obviously more exercise would be a big help, but I'm a firm believer that what we eat and how much of it matters also.

Thank you

Start watching Dr. Ken Barry's youtube videos. There are many more doctors who found out that what they were telling their patients was wrong by living it themselves. They first thought that the patients had been lying to them about eating less and exercising more but when they couldn't heal themselves, they looked outside the narrow box of current medical advise. They looked at what humans ate thousands of years ago and studied why these old skeletons were as well formed as they were. The go to food was fatty red meat, fatty fish and birds that were eaten skin and all. Grains were only eaten as a last resort when hunting failed to bring meat in.
I know you don't have time to listen to hours of videos, I didn't either until I retired. That's when I found out what my poor eating habits had already done to my body. Too many carbs will make your body store fat. There is no such thing as too few carbs. Carbs are not essential. Seed oils have been touted as healthier than animal fat. A lie to blame animal fat for the harm cigarettes were doing. It goes on and on but it's late and I'll leave it there. Good luck!
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