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Hay burning
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junk fun
Posted 12/16/2024 22:38 (#11013110 - in reply to #11011918)
Subject: RE: Hay burning

Making big square bales in that area is way outside my experience. What everybody says about rain re starting the heating seems true to me, I've seen plenty of what had to be spontaneous combustion in old round bales after a rain. Square bales will hold the water better and are way tighter, so much easier to light up. The squatting and shifting is one sign. The temps are another sign, if they're were other hot spots, they're still warm unless they burned or the bale was busted up. Find a piece of steel to probe them with, leave it a minute and pull it out, if you can't hold it with your fingers then you know it's hot, maybe not imminent, but to hot to leave in a stack.

Where were the hot spots before? any rhyme or reason to where they were located in the pile?
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