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Well water issues
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Posted 12/16/2024 12:32 (#11012248 - in reply to #11011555)
Subject: RE: Well water issues

Central Alberta
Shimmy1 - 12/15/2024 21:13

Cooperator - 12/15/2024 21:27

We had water problems for years, always running dry. Then I measured the depth and found out the intake was 10' off the bottom. I lowered it 10' with 1" to spare on the bottom.

That was 25 years ago, and no water problems at all since.

You got lucky. That usually is a sign of a collapsing formation or plugging screen.

We pulled the submersible regularly, and saw no such problems. Just a lot of air in the water. It was after I measured the well depth that I came up with the idea to lower the pump by 10 feet.
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