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Never have to order feed again!
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Posted 12/14/2024 10:45 (#11009041 - in reply to #11008958)
Subject: RE: Never have to order feed again!

SE Manitoba
CanadianCowMan - 12/14/2024 09:52

My feed company put sensors on our feed bin which monitors the feed level in the bin. There office will get an alert when the bin gets low. They can then deliver my feed when they have a truck coming my way at there convenience which will make things more efficient on there end. I can monitor it from my phone as well.

I'd remind you of a saying that I learned over 20 years ago.

To err is human and to really F--- things up - - - - now that takes a computer.

(Sensors are known to fail, network connections are also known to fail - - - you will still have to keep an eye on things
even if most of the time things will happen without your intervention.)
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